Our history began when German Reformed immigrants migrated from their own country to America and settled in Providence Township and along the Perkiomen. During this time Rev. John Philip Boehm, a former schoolmaster from Germany, settled in the area and founded twelve churches, one of which was the Providence, later renamed the Trappe, Reformed church. The first church was a log building built in 1747 on the land which is presently at the corner of Rte.#113 and Ridge Pike . During the Revolutionary War the log church was used as a hospital for wounded soldiers following the Battle of Brandywine.
In the year 1835, a new church building was erected on the site of the first log church and it was resolved that this church shall be called St. Luke's apparently due to the period of time the church was used as a hospital. The church grew both spiritually and numerically and monthly concerts were given and a Temperance Society, Missionary Society and a Sabbath School Society were formed in 1840. Although membership fluctuated, especially during the Civil War, the church remained strong and in 1867 ground was purchased for a new church building and a parsonage was built. In 1874, during Rev. Dr. J.H.A. Bomberger's pastorate the present church building was erected. In 1896 the cemetery, which is on the grounds of the original church, was expanded and improved and continues to be used by the church families. Since the building of the present church there have been many additions and changes made. The parsonage was razed, the Estey pipe organ was enlarged and rebuilt, a fellowship hall was built and an additional building was erected with a choir room and church school rooms. The Sanctuary was re-oriented so a large Narthex and parlor could be created for the purposes of fellowship and an entrance was located from the parking lot in the rear of the church. We invite you to come and worship with us and share God's peace. |