“There is a time for everything,and a season for every activity under the heaven"To be perfectly honest, I have had it with this season! It seems that all we get done lately is shovel snow or plow snow and there is a good reason I feel that way, because I get done is shovel snow or plow snow. But mark my word on this very day. This season is quickly coming to an end and soon, very soon, the sun will be warm against our faces. My thoughts will change from “Why didn’t I buy chains for this tractor” to “Honey, where did you put the seed catalogue?” Actually, by the time you read this article it will be way too late to be looking for a seed catalogue. I will be in the shopping mode for potatoes, onions, lettuce, carrots, and radish seeds. I CAN NOT WAIT, but I will have to wait. Why? Because “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:”
We will be in the season of Lent throughout the month of March. By months end, it will be Palm Sunday and my intentions are to be as celebratory and solemn as the pandemic will allow us. No doubt, we will be holding Palm/Passion service in the sanctuary. Until that day, I will journey in sacred hope and promise of a New Day, the day we celebrate an empty cross. To that end, I have made Lenten Crosses for you if you desire to wear them during and after Lent. They are symbolic of the love of God, a love so strong that God sent his only son into the world for you and for me. You may pick your cross up at church. If you are unable to do so, let Cori know and we will mail you one. May the peace of Christ sustain you my beloved as we journey together during this sacred time. Blessings, Pastor Pat
February 2024
February 2024
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