Spring has SprungSpring is my favorite time of the year. When Spring approaches, there are always clear signs of its arrival. The morning air is not as cold as it has been. The mud holes and wet spots around houses begin to dry up. Our yards gradually begin to change color, from a brown to a deep green. When we see these signs, we know Spring cannot be far behind.
As with spring, there are certain signs that mark the Easter season. We use some of the same imagery; the blooming of flowers, the newness of birth in nature, and brilliant sunrises, are all images we use to signify the spring season as well as Easter. Have you ever stopped to wonder why we make this connection? In nature, we see spring as a time of renewal, a time when life around us is energized from the heat and moisture of God’s good earth. We see spring as a time of procreation for many of God’s creatures. Spring is a prelude to life and life’s abundance around us, to be enjoyed until the postlude of winter. The Easter season has the same potential for Christians. Easter is a time of renewal. It is a time for all of us to take a closer look at the relationship we have with Jesus. As we progress through Lent in preparation for Holy Week, we have the opportunity to see the suffering in our lives as we reflect on the passion of our Lord. Easter is also a time for us to be energized by the power of God’s spirit within our own lives. As we observe the church year in our tradition, there is the potential for us to become lackadaisical in our participation in the life of the church. Church life becomes predictable and boring, therefore we disengage. But there is always the Easter season to breathe life back into our sleeping souls. Most importantly, Easter is a time for new life. Jesus Christ went to the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity. No longer would men and women be held in bondage to the sin in their lives. Jesus death on the cross, and the power of the resurrected Lord, was and is a act of procreation. Because we believe, we are created anew through Jesus. (John 3:3) I encourage you to see this Easter season as a time of new birth and growth in your life. There are many opportunities in the life of St. Luke’s where you can experience the signs of the Easter season. My prayer is that you will not only experience the season but also you will experience the power and presence of the risen Lord. God's Blessings, Pastor Pat
February 2024
February 2024
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