Ghana Presentation Sunday, Sunday, June 13You have heard by now that a delegation from St. Luke’s will be going on a mission trip to Ghana in August. I, along with Nancy Lenewaver and Tom Lloyd we will be joined by members from St. Paul’s UCC, Fleetwood, Mill Creek Church of The Brethren, Port Republic, VA and First Congregational UCC, Stratford, Connecticut. I have been leading mission trips to Ghana for nearly 30 years supporting the work of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana. Historically the United Church of Christ and the EP Church has been connected through our common bond to German Reformed missionaries. The EP Church has many social service ministries that we support. On May 23 we began collecting specific items that we will take with us to Ghana to be distributed to various communities. I would like to highlight the gifts and where they will be going. The Baby Kits of Hope are given to the Women’s Resource Center, a mission to help un-wed mothers. At the Center these young women are taught how to cook, clean, and most importantly how to care for their children. We also put together hygiene kits for these women as well. The school supplies will be distributed to several of the schools we will visit. There are schools in rural areas where children do not have a pencil. When they come to school, they are given a pencil to use. When they leave for the day, they return the pencil to their teacher. A portion of the hygiene kits will be given to a ministry that we support, Nenyo Harborbor, which means “A safe Place for Children.” The children who come to Nenyo are homeless children who live on the streets. At the center they are given a place to stay, a place to bathe, provided with a hot meal every day, given a place to launder their clothing, are offered help with their schooling, and later on they may enroll in the internship program Nenyo makes possible. Along with the hygiene kits, we give them new clothing and school supplies. Part of what we were able to do over the past five years is to build an 80-bed dormitory for the children. The majority of the medical supplies will be given to clinics owned and operated by the EP Church. Join us on Sunday June 13th after Worship Service, live or on Zoom. Pastor Pat will be doing a presentation on his previous trips to Ghana and the history of the church and Ghana. Refreshments will be served!!!! If you have any questions, please let me know. Pastor Pat
Save the Date!As your interim pastor part of my responsibility is to prepare you to receive your new pastor as a healthy and vibrant church family. To that end I am very serious about observing how you are functioning as a congregation. It is important that all of your official documents are up to date like your constitution and by-laws and all of your committees and leadership groups are doing what they are supposed to be doing.
February 2024
February 2024
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